Unlocking Quantum Potential:

Announcing - NVIDIA's Game-Changing DGX Quantum System
NVIDIA and Quantum Machines Debut DGX Quantum
Picture by NVIDIA
Unlocking Quantum Potential:Announcing - NVIDIA's Game-Changing DGX Quantum System

NVIDIA Unveils DGX Quantum: The Future of Quantum-Classical Computing

NVIDIA, in collaboration with Quantum Machines, has introduced the world’s first GPU-accelerated quantum computing system, the NVIDIA DGX Quantum. This groundbreaking system merges NVIDIA’s powerful Grace Hopper Superchip with Quantum Machines’ OPX control platform, creating a revolutionary solution for quantum-classical computing.

Designed to tackle the most complex computational problems, the DGX Quantum offers ultra-low-latency connections between GPUs and quantum processing units (QPUs), providing up to 10x faster performance for AI and high-performance computing (HPC) tasks. The system is also equipped with CUDA Quantum, an open-source programming platform that allows seamless integration of QPUs, GPUs, and CPUs, enabling researchers and developers to build innovative hybrid algorithms and solutions.

With the DGX Quantum, NVIDIA is empowering researchers to push the boundaries of quantum computing and paving the way for new scientific and industrial breakthroughs.

DGX Quantum highlights:

  • A reference architecture featuring a PCIe-connected OPX+ NVIDIA Grace Hopper system, scalable with the size of the QPU.
  • A CUDA-Q integration with QUA and the Quantum Machines stack, featuring a POC benchmark or benchmarks
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